Ephesians: 4:1-3 Walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.

Elisa Morgan
FRIDAY April 6th – 7 to 9pm | SATURDAY April 7th – 9am to 2pm*

Seating is limited so please register early & online by clicking on the "register now" button above.
However, if necessary, you can also register and pay at the door.
*includes lunch
The event is being sponsored by Loving Well Ladies and will be held at the Glacierview Baptist Church (960 East End Road) in Homer, Alaska.
Seating is limited so register early!

Join us for the weekend along with Elisa Morgan as she explores the realities of Accepting the Past based on her book The Beauty of Broken; Embracing the Present based on her book Hello, Beauty Full; and, Anointing the Future based on her book She did What She Could.
Elisa was named by Christianity Today as one of the top fifty women influencing today’s church and culture and is one of today’s most sought-after authors, speakers, and leaders. She has authored over twenty-five books on mothering, spiritual formation, and evangelism. Elisa is a co-host of the syndicated radio program Discover the Word (www.discovertheword.org), a daily fifteen-minute real-time conversation around the written and living Word of God.
Elisa's blog, Really, platforms both her own voice and the voices of a myriad of women who are committed to living out their influence in real life.
For twenty years, Elisa served as CEO of MOPS International (www.mops.org). Under her leadership MOPS grew from 350 to over 4,000 groups throughout the United States and in thirty other countries, influencing over 100,000 moms every year. Elisa now serves as President Emerita.
Elisa is married to Evan and has two grown children and two grandchildren who live near her in Denver, Colorado. Wilson, her Rottweiler-wanna-be, takes her on walks in the open space behind her house. Connect with Elisa on Instagram (elisamorganauthor), Facebook and Twitter (@elisa_morgan) or for more information check out her website: www.elisamorgan.com
Living really ... really living.
Wonderfully MADE:
Seeing Yourself as God Sees You